How To Stay Healthy While On Vacation

How To Stay Healthy While On Vacation

It happens every year, we’re pressured by society to obtain our beach bodies but at the same time we’re ready to go on vacation and throw our diets out the window. Below are four tips to remember when you take your summer vacation and want to enjoy your time off while also staying in a health-centered mindset.

  1. Limit the amount of fried-food you eat. What’s more delicious on vacation than seafood? Instead of ordering that fried shrimp appetizer, try ordering a shrimp cocktail.
  2. Don’t eat dessert every night. Yes, it’s tempting to grab an ice cream cone at a new place every night after dinner when on vacation, but try to skip the indulgent goodies some nights. Or if you can’t stay away, stick to a small or share a dessert with a family member.
  3. Only order water to drink. It’s summertime aka it’s hot out there! Hydrate yourself and save yourself from drinking sugar and calorie filled drinks.
  4. Explore! You’re in a new place, try walking around town instead of driving through. Not only will you burn a few extra calories, you might also spot a small shop that you normally would have missed while driving by.

Vacations are meant to be fun so don’t stress about breaking your daily habits. Just try to keep these four tips in mind and you’ll be just fine.

